UAE Federal Law no. (35) of 2006
UAE Federal Law no. (35) of 2006 amending certain provisions of Criminal Procedures Law Issued by the Federal Law no. (35) of 1992
USD $46.00
UAE Federal Law no. (39) of 2006
UAE Federal Law no. (39) of 2006 concerning the International Judicial Cooperation on Criminal Matters.
USD $207.00
UAE Federal Decree No.(8) of 2005
UAE Federal Decree No.(8) of 2005 On Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, Extradition of Criminals, Cooperation in Civil, Commercial and Personal Status Matters, Service of Judicial and Non-judicial Documents
USD $92.00
UAE Federal Decree No. (2) of 2008
UAE Federal Decree No. (2) of 2008 ratifying the Agreements on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and Extradition between the Government of the United Arab Emirates and Australia
USD $86.00
UAE Federal Decree No. (32) of 1975
UAE Federal Decree No. (32) of 1975 Ratifying the Agreement on Judicial Cooperation, Execution of Judgments, and Extradition of Criminals between the United Arab Emirates and the Tunisian Republic
USD $46.00
UAE Federal Decree No. (37) of 2007
UAE Federal Decree No. (37) of 2007 Agreement of Mutual Legal Cooperation in Criminal matters, Extradition, Juridical & Judicial Cooperation in Civil & Commercial matters bet UAE & Azerbaijan
USD $98.00
UAE Federal Decree No. (38) of 2007
UAE Federal Decree No. (38) of 2007 regarding the Agreements between the UAE and the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Extradition of Criminals, Judicial Assistance in Civil and Commercial Matters, and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
USD $75.00
UAE Federal Decree No. (57) of 2006
UAE Federal Decree No. (57) of 2006 Concerning Agreement on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters, Extradition of Criminals, Civil, Commercial and Personal Status Matters between the Government of the UAE and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco
USD $236.00
UAE Federal Decree No. (67) of 2008
UAE Federal Decree No. (67) of 2008 Ratifying the Treaty between the State of The United Arab Emirates and the People’s Republic of China on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
USD $132.00
UAE Federal Decree No. (69) of 2007
UAE Federal Decree No. (69) of 2007 ratifying the Conventions on Extradition of Criminals, Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, and Judicial Assitance in Civil and Commercial Matters between the Government of the UAE and the Republic of Tajikistan
USD $52.00